Professional Development

At ReSolutions we cultivate school improvement far beyond the average workshop by partnering directly with you to identify and address the specific needs of your school. We work side-by-side with your teachers and administrators, providing support as we help them develop and implement the core skills and strategies they need to be effective. Confident and engaged teachers promote motivated and successful students.
Our consultants have a passion for education. This passion fuels their desire to support teachers, students, and schools. With years of classroom and administration experience to draw from, ReSolutions consultants are prepared to provide exceptional, hands-on training tailored to meet your school’s needs.
Lesson Plan Design
- Creating objectives and success criteria
- Integrating “real world” relevancy to lessons
- Differentiating instructional practices
- Checking for understanding
- Ensuring effective closure practices
- Increasing rigor
STEM/STEAM Lesson Plan Design
- Creating project-based lessons
- Improving STEM from an interdisciplinary perspective
- Examining goals for students in STEM learning
- Exploring STEM classrooms, lessons, and units
Classroom Management
- Increasing student engagement in academics
- Reducing student apathy
- Implementing systems and procedures for a smooth classroom
- Utilizing positive behavioral interventions and supports
- Creating behavior support plans
- Introducing a school-wide behavior support team
- Increasing student and teacher expectations
Integrating Technology into Lessons
- Introducing the flipped classroom, one-take videos, slide videos , and music videos
- Integrating student phones into learning
- Discovering various websites for student learning
- Utilizing technology for student use in projects and presentations
- Building surveys, graphs, and charts
Data Driven Instruction
- Instilling a data-driven culture
- Collecting data from class formative assessments, summative assessments, and standardized test results
- Identifying gaps in curriculum and/or individual students
- Creating a database for data collections
- Analyzing data for patterns and root cause to drive instruction
- Utilizing Response to Intervention from data to reteach
- Exploring a culture of Professional Learning Communities
- Including effective SMART Goals
Math Strategies
- Creating project-based learning
- Incorporating stories into mathematics
- Integrating mathematics into other disciplines
- Strategies for reducing math apathy
Language Arts Strategies
- Creating student-centered lesson plans
- Building capacity to increase rigor
- Creating motivational based lessons
- Move away from lecture base lesson delivery
- “Hand-on” lessons